September 7, 2024

Bellevue Cadillac
Love Allways
(Half Seas Over Music – 2007)
by Matthew Robinson

Though the Swing revival may be waning to say the least, that does not mean that those who embraced it most fully and authentically have to fade away. Especially when they are such talented songwriters to begin with!

Such is the case with Bellevue Cadillac front man and driving force Doug Bell.

Having ridden the zoot-suited wave around the world and back, Bell and his boys have now come home to focus inside. Though songs like “Must be Love,” “Can’t Win for Losing,” and “Ships” stick to the Swing set, Bell also uses different styles such as the sultry Samba seduction of “Havana Moon,” the Bluesy “You Just Know,” the noiry “I Know She Knows,” and the Polynesian pop of “Ja Ja Opobo” (not to mention a Bluegrassy bonus track) to look at different sides of the most common songwriting fodder ever invented.

So whether you like Big Band or slack key, jump swing or island sway, the Cadillac still has a seat for you!

©2007 Matthew S. Robinson, arr.

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